05 April 2012

What we did for General Conference

Every 6 months our church holds a General Conference for the world wide membership.  The most recent was held last weekend.  It is broadcast from Salt Lake City, and members the world round can sit and watch the Prophet and other leaders of our church for two whole days.  I love General Conference.  I love "sitting" at the prophet's feet, listening to the word of God.  I love gathering with family to do so.  And, I'm beginning to love helping my boys enjoy it as well. This time, for the first time, I did a pretty good job of preparing for General Conference, so that my boys would be occupied enough to make the occasion pleasant for us all.  I know asking a 4 and 2 year old to sit quietly and watch church talks on the TV for 8 hours is a little much, but I really wanted them to be in the room, quietly playing and doing meaningful things, so that even if they didn't hear or understand the words that were spoken, they would feel the spirit of God that always is there during Conference. 

So, I spent a whole day driving through the city buying things to keep the boys busy.  It was fun to think of things for each 2 hour session, plus all the meals.  This is what our General Conference looked like:

 I finished a baby quilt I started 2 years ago.  Yeah!
 Mom quilted, too.

For the kids we bought these baskets, and before each session we filled them with a treat, a juice box, a craft and a toy.  The kids were allowed to play with what was in their baskets, but they were expected to do so quietly and in the room with us. Even Mari and Silas were overjoyed!
  The boys made Lego temples.  They were so creative!  This activity was the most fun, because it meant that we could take a trip to the Lego store to pick a whole box of white Lego in the "pick your brick" section. I'm not a big Lego fan, but this was FUN!
 Lego really needs to come up with an Angel Moroni mini-fig!

 I think this was the bus that brought the people to Andy and Eli's temple.

And, in between sessions of Conference, the mass of kids blew off all their excess energy outside. 

And while they did that, we spent the time inside thinking about food.  Here's an example of a bit of the raw food deliciousness we enjoyed!


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